Which NOC


well i wa slooing into buying a linode but i was wondering that if i did would i beable to be on a server in the planet's NOC?

Thanks for your help


4 Replies

/me beats chris to answer this one ;)

> well i wa slooing into buying a linode but i was wondering that if i did would i beable to be on a server in the planet's NOC?

Err, I think so!

That depends on which plan you're going for. Please email sales@linode.com for availability.



well i wa slooing into buying a linode but i was wondering that if i did would i beable to be on a server in the planet's NOC?

There is a certain amount of latency added if you are doing cross or inter continential connecting. It is usually about 30 to 40 ms. (which is pretty much unoticable for most people anyways).

Bill Clinton

If you're from Europe, as Bill Clinton said you'll get an additional 40ms to the he.net datacentre. However, he.net seems to have excellent connectivity in some areas - do a traceroute to it from as many locations as possible to see how low the number of hops gets. Remember that they can be just as important as a small 40ms ping increase sometimes as few hops tends to result in better network stability.


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