Newark Linode reboot...

Hi, some weeks ago I read somewhere that todays Linodes will be rebooted.

I can't find this info any more, can you confirm that today our linode will be rebooted?

If yes, at what our? Where can I find this info?


4 Replies

You can confirm it yourself by logging in to and checking old tickets, or you can check your email archives. FWIW I was rebooted Sunday night and was emailed a ticket update 10 minutes before it happened.

You should have received a support ticket telling you when the reboot would occur


You should have received a support ticket telling you when the reboot would occur

yes, just seen it, thanks.

this reboot was strange.

I can't access my SSH console at the moment but I can access my statistics (cacti), the reboot has been done at least as the support ticket says but my cacti uptime graph says that no reboot has been done.

Any idea?

EDIT: I have just checked via SSH, the uptime commands returns the normal uptime as a reboot has been done but my cacti continue to say that I have 90 days of uptime in the hourly graph also.


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