OS Questions

For Redhat 9.0 (small) what is installed?

If i choose RedHat9.0 (large) what is installed and can x-server realted stuff be removed?



2 Replies


For Redhat 9.0 (small) what is installed?

If no one tells you, you can install it and do rpm -qa and see for yourself.


If i choose RedHat9.0 (large) what is installed and can x-server realted stuff be removed?
yes, X can be removed. If you do choose to remove X, you need to remove the most basic X packages. The reason for this is so that rpm dependencies will take care of the higher level RPMs for you. (So basically attacking RPMs like XFree86, xfs, etc will greatly help in the process of removing X.

Sunny Dubey

PS: I still wonder what on earth was put into the small versions of most distros. They're so bloated to be considered small.

well i want to know cuz if i want to get it and i want to know if i would need to install more then i needed to remove


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