C++ Compiler


I'm looking to host a MU* and need access to gcc through a shell for compiling C++ code and to run the server. Will I be able to do this with your base plan? Also, will I be able to specify a port for my telnet server to listen to or will I be limited? If I'm limited to specific ports, which ports and how may I obtain a specific port that I'd like to use for me server?

Thanks in advance for the help!


5 Replies



I'm looking to host a MU* and need access to gcc through a shell for compiling C++ code and to run the server. Will I be able to do this with your base plan? Also, will I be able to specify a port for my telnet server to listen to or will I be limited? If I'm limited to specific ports, which ports and how may I obtain a specific port that I'd like to use for me server?

Thanks in advance for the help!


Hey Nimrod.

Linode's give you full root access, so you can install whatever you want.

Linode doesn't firewall any ports at all or manage any of the software you install on the node itself. (The atlanta DC does block incoming port 6667)

So you manage firewalling yourself.

So, yes, you can install a compiler and yes you can set your MU* to listen on any port you want :)

Wow! Quick reply. Thank you!

Which MUD are you hosting Nimrod?

wildwest-rpi.us - It's a diku-based codebase.

Actually, Atlanta filters more ports than just 6667.

http://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/At … _Filtering">http://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/AtlantaPortFiltering

If these are a problem, you have five other datacenters to choose from. :) The other ones don't block ports.


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