Linode's CPUs

So when do you think Linode is going to start rolling out boxes that have newer CPUs than the L5520s? (If they haven't already)

I've been thinking for a while that it would be a good time with the release of the Sandy Bridge E5 Intels. That would be awesome to see. :D

2 Replies

There is one report of someone on an L5630.

I'm looking forward to Ivy Bridge purely for RdRand. Not that I have entropy problems – if only due to things using /dev/urandom -- but it'll probably help some people, and it's fun* either way.


Not that I have entropy problems – if only due to things using /dev/urandom

I run it, there's a regular CentOS package. Brings entropy_avail from average 120 up to 3400+ on a 1G node.


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