My smtp server in Ubuntu 11.10 64bit

> I know there are many threads on this subject, only that here it is this version of ubuntu, I followed the guide linode setup postfix for this version of ubuntu and after installation I do not know what to do, how to create the accounts and start sending e-mails, both on the site, such as through e-mail accounts the same.

link library linode: … 0.04-lucid">

and … 0.04-lucid">


ns records:

mx records:

txt records:

Personally, I followed the installation of postfix on linode, port 25 and some files were not found - '

All I want is to create their own accounts smtp client sites to send emails through them, because the junk mail in gmail send to hotmail - '

There is nothing better than manage email accounts themselves, but it 's hard eh …. Any help?

Thank you.

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