Misc questions

I have a few question.

-You offer 2GB in a 64 plan, I assume this is the total size available for OS + applications + our personal files. Is this correct ?

-I saw that we can put a new image on any linode plan. When a new image is applied, is the /home directory (or the partition where personal files are located) erased ?

-In term of backup. Do your customers have any backup procedure (files & mysql ?)

-Let's assume that I order a 1 year plan. Will I get reimbursed (for the period I did not use) after 6 months use, if I realize that your services are not that good ?

-What about all bug fixes/security patches, will you apply those or will it be to the customer to apply them ?

-Is there any possibility to see your control panel in a demo mode ?

The reason is your webpages presenting the control panel are not really clear, therefore unreadable ! (images are too small to see features of your control Panel)

Is technical support 24/7 ?

how long it usually take to get a ticket handled by linode ?

Thank you

2 Replies


-You offer 2GB in a 64 plan, I assume this is the total size available for OS + applications + our personal files. Is this correct ?

Think of the size allocation as the size of a virtual hard drive. You can do anything you want to this virtual hard drive, but you are limited to the size given as per the plan.


-I saw that we can put a new image on any linode plan. When a new image is applied, is the /home directory (or the partition where personal files are located) erased ?

You can partition your disk image however you want. (I personally have / /home and swap). You can then install the disk image of any distro to the / of your distro, and then remount directories under whatever partition you desire. (This has been greatly over-simplified).


-In term of backup. Do your customers have any backup procedure (files & mysql ?)

The linode machines run on RAID-1, however it is up to the end users to find their own backup solution.


-What about all bug fixes/security patches, will you apply those or will it be to the customer to apply them ?

Caker does a good job of keeping the disk images updated. However it is up to you to update your distro yourself (which is kind of given being that you are the root user :^)


-Is there any possibility to see your control panel in a demo mode ?

I believe you can sign up for an account, and definately get your money back in 7 days if not satisfied.


Is technical support 24/7 ?

There is no 24/7 support that I know of. However Linode has community support like no other ISP I've seen has. Not only can you pop a question here and expect it to be answered. But you can also find 2 linode IRC chat channels where other customers can be found.


how long it usually take to get a ticket handled by linode ?
Pretty fast, I've never had an issue with it. Caker is "da man".

Sunny Dubey

Thank you Sunny for your feedback.


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