Transfer files between linodes

I have two linodes in the same datacenter. I have 20GB or so I want to transfer from one to the other. What is the best way to do this?

The last time I did a transfer it counted towards my bandwidth quota. I had thought between linodes in same data center it didn't count against your quota or am I thinking of something else?

I will be moving that excess data to Amazon S3 eventually. Is s3cmd script still the best tool for handling this?


3 Replies

> The last time I did a transfer it counted towards my bandwidth quota. I had thought between linodes in same data center it didn't count against your quota or am I thinking of something else?

I think that is only the case when you use the private/LAN IP of the Linodes, not their external ones. You can request or look up your LAN ips in the Account Management. It is under Remote Access –> Private IPs

Use private IPv4 IPs (or your regular IPv6 IPs) if you do not want the traffic to count against your transfer quota. You'd have to add the private IPs in the manager and reboot.

Thanks! I found the private IP setting as mentioned.


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