Any changes on host10 lately?

For the last 2-3 days my linode has been getting the CPU peaks like 3-4 timesa day, again… If you remember, the kernel change fixed the problem (changed to 2.4.23-pre8-linode11-5um), but it's starting again :( I haven't touched a thing on my linode since that day, so I was wondering if there's something weird happening on host 10? :shock:

4 Replies


Host Load: high

Your Linode has consumed 13%

of one Host CPU for this month

I guess there is something wrong… host 10's cpu is at it's max :shock: I took me 15 minutes to reboot my linode! :?

And I posted this thread in the wrong forum :oops: :oops:

In fact, I did make a change a few days ago affecting how swap files are handled on the hosts (O_SYNC), but reverted it back yesterday evening. If you are still having problems, reboot your Linode.


Yes, everything is back to normal now… I rebooted this morning and everything has been fine! :D


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