Looking to hire admin for a singlle task

Hello all,

I'm looking for someone who can configure my VirtualHost for several sites that are hosted on my linode.

It's a single file that we need to configure with the correct NameVirtualHost directives.

Anyone intrested? How much would this cost?

Feel free to PM me.

12 Replies

Are all the sites being served at the same IP address? If so, you need to add the NameVirtualHost directive to the top of your configuration file. If is your IP address, the directive would look like:


BTW, I noticed in your first post that the port in the error log is 0. You should change it to 80.

With the NameVirtualHost directive defined, the individual site VirtualHost directives will follow it. So you need blocks resembling these:

ServerAdmin admin@bzzzd.com

ServerName www.bzzzd.com

ServerAlias bzzzd.com

DocumentRoot /path/to/bzzzd/site

ErrorLog /path/to/bzzzd/site/logs/error.log

CustomLog /path/to/bzzzd/site/logs/access.log combined

ServerAdmin admin@americaselitevillas.com

ServerName www.americaselitevillas.com

ServerAlias americaselitevillas.com

DocumentRoot /path/to/americaselitevillas/site

ErrorLog /path/to/americaselitevillas/site/logs/error.log

CustomLog /path/to/americaselitevillas/site/logs/access.log combined

Save the file in the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory as something like all-sites. You'd enable the sites by issuing a "sudo a2ensite all-sites" command and reload the web server with "sudo service apache2 reload". I'd review the /etc/apach2/sites-enabled directory and disable anything other than all-sites. Use the a2dissite to disable sites.

I normally don't put multiple sites in one file as it makes enabling and disabling individual sites more difficult. I make an exception to this rule when serving up demo and production versions of a site.

Hope this helps.

Thanks. Would you be interested in doing something for me as a one-time thing? I want to download copies os my sites so I can have a backup with me and to possibly put them on another server down the road. Just enabling FTP access would do.


Thanks. Would you be interested in doing something for me as a one-time thing? I want to download copies os my sites so I can have a backup with me and to possibly put them on another server down the road. Just enabling FTP access would do.

Please don't use ftp very insecure. If you want to copy files from one server to another ssh into them and then use scp to transfer the files.

Thanks for your advice. I want to get a copy of my sites as they are now and I want to have it on my hard drive. If it's not done through FTP and it's done through SSH, even better. I'll provide access and I'll pay anyone who's interested in doing it. Anyone?


Thanks for your advice. I want to get a copy of my sites as they are now and I want to have it on my hard drive. If it's not done through FTP and it's done through SSH, even better. I'll provide access and I'll pay anyone who's interested in doing it. Anyone?

How about I share a script that I use that you can run. It will back up all your websites and MySql data bases and copy them to another server using a cron job

If anyone is interested here is a nice shell script that I wrote to back up your website and Mysql databases.


bash script to backup website


date +"%Y-%m-%d %X" > $BACKUP_LOG

bash script to backup mysql




backup mysql databases

/usr/bin/mysqldump –user=$MYSQLUSER --password=$MYSQLPASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables mybb | bzip2 -c > $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/data-$(date -I).sql.bz2

/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQLUSER --password=$MYSQLPASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables inhome | bzip2 -c > $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/data-$(date -I).sql.bz2

/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQLUSER --password=$MYSQLPASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables blacktop | bzip2 -c > $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/data-$(date -I).sql.bz2

/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQLUSER --password=$MYSQLPASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables mycloud | bzip2 -c > $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/data-$(date -I).sql.bz2

/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQLUSER --password=$MYSQLPASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables fog | bzip2 -c > $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/fog-$(date -I).sql.bz2

/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQLUSER --password=$MYSQLPASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables ps3 | bzip2 -c > $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/data-$(date -I).sql.bz2

remove old MySQL database backups

find $MYSQLBACKUPDIR -maxdepth 1 -type f -name *.sql.bz2 -mtime +30 -exec rm -Rf {} \;

backup file system

rsync -avh -gopt --progress --delete /etc/httpd/conf /etc/httpd/conf.d /srv/www /home/mike/Backup kyrunner@

date +"%Y-%m-%d %X" > $BACKUP_LOG

send email

mailx -s "Micro: website log" @gmail.com < $BACKUP_LOG

Are you sure you are using that script?

It would appear you have 5 databases (mybb, inhome, blacktop, mycloud and ps3) being backed up to the same dest file - $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/data-$(date -I).sql.bz2. Each one overwriting the other so that only the last of the 5 is actually backed up (ps3).

Your fog database is going into a different dest file.

I do something similar, but I dump all the databases into a single compressed file. That way I don't need to change the backup script when I add a new database.

He updated the post with this fixed


Are you sure you are using that script?

It would appear you have 5 databases (mybb, inhome, blacktop, mycloud and ps3) being backed up to the same dest file - $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/data-$(date -I).sql.bz2. Each one overwriting the other so that only the last of the 5 is actually backed up (ps3).

Your fog database is going into a different dest file.

I do something similar, but I dump all the databases into a single compressed file. That way I don't need to change the backup script when I add a new database.


# Same dest file
# backup mysql databases
/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQL_USER --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables mybb | bzip2 -c > $MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR/data-$(date -I).sql.bz2
/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQL_USER --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables inhome | bzip2 -c > $MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR/data-$(date -I).sql.bz2
/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQL_USER --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables blacktop | bzip2 -c > $MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR/data-$(date -I).sql.bz2
/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQL_USER --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables mycloud | bzip2 -c > $MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR/data-$(date -I).sql.bz2
/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQL_USER --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables ps3 | bzip2 -c > $MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR/data-$(date -I).sql.bz2 

#Diff dest file
/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQL_USER --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables fog | bzip2 -c > $MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR/fog-$(date -I).sql.bz2

I added data just for example…

This is a example $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/data-$(date -I).sql.bz2.

Where you see data after the directory is really my database names

should look like this $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/ps3-$(date -I).sql.bz2.

here is how they really look in the shell script I dont why I added data to the end of them when I was adding them to the forum…

backup mysql databases

/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQLUSER --password=$MYSQLPASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables mybb | bzip2 -c > $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/mybb-$(date -I).sql.bz2

/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQLUSER --password=$MYSQLPASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables inhome | bzip2 -c > $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/inhome-$(date -I).sql.bz2

/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQLUSER --password=$MYSQLPASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables blacktop | bzip2 -c > $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/blacktop-$(date -I).sql.bz2

/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQLUSER --password=$MYSQLPASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables mycloud | bzip2 -c > $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/mycloud-$(date -I).sql.bz2

/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQLUSER --password=$MYSQLPASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables fog | bzip2 -c > $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/fog-$(date -I).sql.bz2

/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$MYSQLUSER --password=$MYSQLPASSWORD --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables ps3 | bzip2 -c > $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/ps3-$(date -I).sql.bz2

BTW, –single-transaction and --skip-lock-tables is effective only for InnoDB tables (or any other transactional engine). If you use MyISAM you have to lock them or risk taking partial (corrupt) snapshot.


BTW, –single-transaction and --skip-lock-tables is effective only for InnoDB tables (or any other transactional engine). If you use MyISAM you have to lock them or risk taking partial (corrupt) snapshot.

Good point if you want to see what database engine you are using run these commands.

1) switch to root = sudo su - root

2) run this command = mysql -u root -p (thin hit enter and put your password in)

3) run this command = show databases;

4) after you see your databases select one

5) use database;

6) this will see what engine created them =


should be it. if I missed something please give your 2 cents.


BTW, –single-transaction and --skip-lock-tables is effective only for InnoDB tables (or any other transactional engine). If you use MyISAM you have to lock them or risk taking partial (corrupt) snapshot.

Here is for MyISAM

backup mysqll databases

/usr/bin/mysqldump –user=$MYSQLUSER --password=$MYSQLPASSWORD --all-databases --lock-all-tables --flush-logs --master-data=2 | bzip2 -c > $MYSQLBACKUPDIR/all-$(date -I).sql.bz2


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