Updating nginx and installing module


I've tried for several hours, googling and searching through pages for the answer but to no avail.

Currently, I am running nginx 1.0.5 and Ubuntu 11.10. I'm trying to install the MP4 module of nginx through the configuration (–with-httpmp4module).

Previously, I have installed nginx through "apt-get install nginx" but I've read that modules can only be installed during compilation.

I followed the guide from the Linode library, using the latest version they had (for 10.10, http://library.linode.com/web-servers/n … 0-maverick">http://library.linode.com/web-servers/nginx/installation/ubuntu-10.10-maverick).

Before compiling I retrieved the configure parameters through nginx -V:


During the compilation there were several errors, which I resolved by removing modules I thought were unnecessary.

Even though the compilation was a success (I was able to make, make install) the module doesn't seem to be installed and the nginx version doesn't change. The only noticeable change is in the /etc/nginx folder where a few new files were created.

Can anyone guide me through this?

Thank you! :)

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