WordPress, Postfix & Google Apps

Hi All, I'm running WP on a LAMP stack on Ubuntu 10.04. I haven't had a single problem with it, but WP won't send notification emails (new user notification, lost password, etc).

I've installed Postfix according to this guide. I'm not getting any errors, but WP still won't send an email. Can anyone help?

Edit: I meant to say, I have Google Apps handling the email for all domains on this box, this works perfectly for sending & receiving. I'm not looking for Google Apps to handle the outgoing WordPress emails, but I don't want this fix to break anything with the email being handled by Google Apps, either.

2 Replies

What configuration have you done in WP to setup email and have you checked the php.ini file to see if it is setup to send email?


After I posted this I kept surfing for the answer and came across this guide. Reading through I realized that I hadn't set anything for reverse DNS. Once I made that update, WP began sending emails. I verified this on a couple of my domains, it works everywhere. I also verified that I can still send/receive in Google Apps (I can). Problem solved.

Thanks for your reply Dweeber, I appreciate your input. I'm running a standard WP configuration, which is to say that I haven't changed any WP mail settings since installing. Also, I haven't touched the php.ini file. After reading your comment I did some searching on that, and it looks like that isn't necessary in my case because 1) I'm using Google Apps for mail, and 2) I don't need to send secure notes from WP.

Thanks again,



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