Lots of strangeness after upgrade to Ubuntu 11.10 attempt

Linode 512 with Ubuntu 11.10 (maybe, could be still 11.04)

Daily backups are on

So I followed the guide to upgrade to 11.10 from 11.04. The system rebooted, but seems certain things did not launch back up. Just to name a few, I cannot get into Webmin/Usermin, or any of the portions of websites running anything backed by a MySQL database such as my php forums. I also cannot login in ssh with putty from my windows machine.

Using the AJAX console in Linode Manager, I was able to get logged into the server, and was able to get into MySQL using mysql -p. I tried just running "restart" from the mysql prompt, and am not stuck there in the AJAX console.

How can I even get to a point of viewing any kind of error logs?

2 Replies

Or, would it be easier to just restore from a backup that was made early this morning? I looked at the Backup screen, but I do not have enough room. What steps would I take to blowout what is there to then be able to restore?

OK, just had to delete the images hogging all my space to be able to restore and all is well. Will attempt the update again at another time.


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