Mysql perfomance questions

Hi there,

I would like to subscribe to a linode plan but I do not know which plan should fit my need.

I have a recruitment website which generates up to 2000 visitors per day.

As you can imagine, most of the features are DB related.

What is your opinion on this, should I go for a 64 plan or a 96 ?

Thanks in advance for your feedback

1 Reply

It can be difficult in the extreme to determine how many visitors or websites a specific plan could support. This is due to the sheer number of variables which have a significant effect. For example, a static website requires much fewer resources than an interactive, database driven, one. This means that many more visitors could concurrently browse to the static website than the more intensive one with the same amount of resources. The good news, is that if you ever need to resize your Linode, up or down in plans, you can do so from the Linode Manager. You can find detailed instructions in our helpful support article


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