Life beyond the forums

Just thought I'd remind everyone of the IRC channel -

#linode on

Please visit so I don't feel like I'm the only one who doesn't know what they chat about half the time in there!

Ta :)

7 Replies

When I first looked at the subject of this thread, I though it was going to be someone moaning about how sad we all are and that we should get a life, but obvisouly not.

But if you are on IRC and you do not understand something then ask, it is the only way to learn and I dont think anyone on there will moan about having to explain something to you unless you are the 10th person to ask the same question that day.

Also remeber there are the 2 archives of the IRC channels.

Both of them at some places contain different data, and one is searchable and one isnt..



When I first looked at the subject of this thread, I though it was going to be someone moaning about how sad we all are and that we should get a life, but obvisouly not…

Would I ever? ;)


Also remember there are the 2 archives of the IRC channels.
I know they exist, but where can they be found?



Also remember there are the 2 archives of the IRC channels.
I know they exist, but where can they be found?
One of them is mine… it is at it is searchable. The other is caker's I believe his is at

My logger is primitive to begin with, but it looks like it wasn't rotating every night. I think I fixed that.

Chris any chance of getting your logger to split the logs on each day.

The file is 1.1 meg already


I'm pretty sure from tonight on it will rotate the logs. The logger didn't have write permission to that directory.


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