Testing websites

Hello, I'm new to this forum and I don't know much.

I hired someone to set up Linode with NginX for my personal website and later he taught me how to add more websites to be hosted.

So I've started transferring here some of my customers' websites which are hosted somewhere else and I'd like to know how can I test them before doing the DNS switch to ns1.linode.com, ns2.linode.com etc.

I hope I made myself clear… thanks!

2 Replies

Set up the site like you would if you were going to do the move, then change your local hosts file (if you're on Windows it's usually under C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc) so that your computer directs the domain to the new IP. The line would look something like this:

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx example.com

The IP of your Linode first, followed by the domain you're testing. Save that file, and then open your browser and it should direct that domain to the Linode.

Thank you very much for your quick reply Ghan_04!

It works and I noticed that there are a few errors in the website so I can fix them before moving on to the DNS switch.

That was exactly what I was looking for :)


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