Linode96 and Linode128

How many IPs would I have available on each plan, how many GBs do I have available in space and how much MBs of RAM can I upgrade to?

8 Replies

Amazing questions…

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If you mean how much can you upgrade to after you've signed up (which you already have anyway?), then it varies from host to host. Currently:


Additional RAM 352 MB

Additional Storage Space 41984 MB

Additional Transfer unlimited

Additional IPs 3 (this number is actually far higher than 3)


Additional RAM 1152 MB

Additional Storage Space 76800 MB

Additional Transfer unlimited

Additional IPs 49

You can see these figures on the "Add additional XFER, IPs, RAM or Storage Space" page.


Amazing questions…

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I think if you wouldn't be trying so hard to be a smart-ass, you would of double checked that page before submitting your post.. I'm quotting from the page "when available". For an example I'm on a linode64 plan, and I have two IPs right now, which seems the be the maximum.. or am I wrong and is it just because there are none "available" and if I would of tried at a later time I could add some more? Anyways, next time you reply to a post don't think that you're so smart and read your stuff carefully :)


If you mean how much can you upgrade to after you've signed up (which you already have anyway?), then it varies from host to host. Currently:


Additional RAM 352 MB

Additional Storage Space 41984 MB

Additional Transfer unlimited

Additional IPs 3 (this number is actually far higher than 3)


Additional RAM 1152 MB

Additional Storage Space 76800 MB

Additional Transfer unlimited

Additional IPs 49

You can see these figures on the "Add additional XFER, IPs, RAM or Storage Space" page.

Should I assume that Host2 is running Linode96s and Host4 is running Linode128s? Also how did you get that information, since myself the only info I have is for my own Linode64. I don't see any other info the specified page about other Linodes


I think if you wouldn't be trying so hard to be a smart-ass, you would of double checked that page before submitting your post… Anyways, next time you reply to a post don't think that you're so smart and read your stuff carefully :)

I think if you knew me better, you would know I'm not the kind of person trying to be a smart-ass… You would also know that English is not my mother tongue, and that I can misunderstand things sometimes. I also think you could and should remain polite. Eventually, I can assure you I don't think I'm smarter than anybody. But I will follow your advice (you must be pretty smart yourself to teach people out…) and never answer your questions anymore not to hurt your ego.


Is there really any need for such hostility.

For the memory and HD availability there is more than enough HD space on the machines for anyone that needs it and if you need more than is available I am sure you can be moved to another host.

The memory is in some ways limited but when you start to need more it is usually easier to change to a higher plan and get the extra memory and you also get more resources.

As for the IPs if the CPs say there are none available, it just means that chris needs to add more to the 'pool' for that server. So log a support ticket or ask nicely on the forum.

There is no need to call people names or insult people, we are also supposed to be adults here. There are easier and more politie ways to say that someone is wrong rather then just instulting them.




If you mean how much can you upgrade to after you've signed up (which you already have anyway?), then it varies from host to host. Currently:


Additional RAM 352 MB

Additional Storage Space 41984 MB

Additional Transfer unlimited

Additional IPs 3 (this number is actually far higher than 3)


Additional RAM 1152 MB

Additional Storage Space 76800 MB

Additional Transfer unlimited

Additional IPs 49

You can see these figures on the "Add additional XFER, IPs, RAM or Storage Space" page.

Should I assume that Host2 is running Linode96s and Host4 is running Linode128s? Also how did you get that information, since myself the only info I have is for my own Linode64. I don't see any other info the specified page about other Linodes

Your question was oddly worded, adamgent puts his point across well.

I only know those figures because I have Linodes on those two hosts. Everything is accurate apart from the number of IPs remaining, which as adamg says you need to contact Chris and ask him to make some additions.

Each plan doesn't imply there are unique limits to each of the extras.

Hard drive space is host-dependant plus the mix of accounts on that host and how much of the free hard drive space they've consumed.

IPs are pooled and assigned to each host. If you need more than is advertised on the Extras page, let me know and I'll allocate more for that box. I have a decent amount of un-used IPs to throw around to, so it usually isn't a problem. If I don't have free IPs available to me, it usually only takes a few days to get a new IP block provisioned from our providers.

Host4 is not a good example, since we're doing testing on this machine, and it's maxLinodes variable is set very low, hence the very-high free-ram available. Normally, the number of Linodes reserved for the host would be subtracted from the amount of free RAM.

As far as upgrading RAM, it's better for you (and me) to just migrate your Linode to the next Linode plan up.


PS – your mom is so cross-eyed, she dropped a dime and picked up two nickles.


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