Using stackscript to setup VPS

I have tried 3 times to setup my VPS with Default Drupal LAMP twice and once with Drupal Aegir on Ubuntu 10.04. A little while after hit reload. I am getting the following email.

  • linode200889 - (7587857) System Shutdown - Completed Tue, 08 May 2012 03:27:58 GMT

  • linode200889 - (7587858) Disk Delete - [931226] - Completed Tue, 08 May 2012 03:28:14 GMT

  • linode200889 - (7587859) Disk Delete - [931227] - Completed Tue, 08 May 2012 03:28:14 GMT

  • linode200889 - (7587860) Disk Create From StackScript - Completed Tue, 08 May 2012 03:28:15 GMT

  • linode200889 - (7587861) Create Filesystem - 512MB Swap Image - Completed Tue, 08 May 2012 03:28:30 GMT

and the VPS is in the shutdown condition. I boot it and try and log into the VPs via my browser and I keep getting the following.

Connection refused


Description: Connection refused

Is there something else that I need to do to get the webserver up? Or is there something wrong with the stackscripts?

2 Replies

Try logging into your Linode via LISH (details are on the Remote Access tab) to see if the StackScript is running.

I tried a different stackscript and it was running, but when I logged in it waited on my input, but there is alot of command not fould or no such file or directory error.


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