Reset hostname/reverse DNS to

Hello there,

i've changed my linode hostname/reverse DNS to my own domain; however i'd like to reset it to the initial hostname/reverse DNS entry.

How can i do this; i can't find the initial hostname anywhere in the linode manager (maybe i'm just too blind?).

Kind regards

7 Replies


Hello there,

i've changed my linode hostname/reverse DNS to my own domain; however i'd like to reset it to the initial hostname/reverse DNS entry.

How can i do this; i can't find the initial hostname anywhere in the linode manager (maybe i'm just too blind?).

Kind regards

The name convention seems to be:

(you can see the host number and your ip in the remote access tab)

Thanks for your reply,

i tried to ping but it resolves to another ip - not my linode.

Maybe it's because i'm in the London datacenter? Or because my linode has been migrated some time ago to another host because of issues (i tried the old host number - didnt work either).

Kind regards

The IP addresses are not related to the hosts, that much is certain.

Try looking at the .1 IP in your /24. With a sample size of two, its PTR is, where xx is the xx in

Alternatively, just start iterating through .10, .11, .12, etc until you find a default PTR. (It probably won't take too long.)

(rsk: there's an edit timeout?)

Hm, ok. I think it's the the first number after li htat needs to be figured out (I guess it might be something that you have no way of knowing). I suppose it was just a coincidence that it matched the host number on the linode I looked at.

Edit: Yeah, looking at the reverse for .1 sounds like the best suggestion.

That's it


2) hostname is

Thanks all!

It's not host number. Your IP doesn't change when you switch hosts.

It seems that as Linode was purchasing additional IP ranges, they sequentially numbered the /24s as they got them, or something.

Take your IP, change last octet to 100, search on this list.

That should have you the appropriate liXX-100. Then change 100 for your last octet, and it should match.

Said that, I agree that a "reset to default" button in the manager's reverse IP dialog could be (sometimes) useful.

… Sweet. Okay, where do I sign for the "Upgrade phpBB to a less-ancient version" club membership? It didn't even warn me about new posts in the thread (And I'm past the edit timeout there). Sorry.


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