cross-linked challenge from Google

I have multiple pages across multiple Web sites across three domains, currently each on a separate account at my current host, and each addresses a different topic - but all happen to share a common hit counter (not for any good reason, just never bothered to isolate unique counters when I cut & pasted code).

Might that trigger a cross-linked challenge from Google or other services?

Can I put that all one a single Linode account or do I need a unique account for each domain?

Just wondering …

I'm exploring moving everything to Linode.

4 Replies


Might that trigger a cross-linked challenge from Google or other services?
You shouldn't have to worry about Google unless you're doing evil stuff.

> Can I put that all one a single Linode account or do I need a unique account for each domain?
You can do practically anything with a Linode you would be able to do with a physical machine running Linux. If you want or need multiple Linodes, you can (and should, it's easier) use the same Linode account for that.



Might that trigger a cross-linked challenge from Google or other services?
You shouldn't have to worry about Google unless you're doing evil stuff.

Nothing "evil" going on here … I just didn't want to stumble into the appearance of evil. :-)

My experience with Twitter has been their system false-flags a lot, or is easily tricked by partisan-motivated malicious false reports. There's also an unaddressed phishing problem with that OpenDNS is finally blocking but Twitter is still passing through their system.

Those two problems alone make me cautious …

> Can I put that all one a single Linode account or do I need a unique account for each domain?

You can do practically anything with a Linode you would be able to do with a physical machine running Linux. If you want or need multiple Linodes, you can (and should, it's easier) use the same Linode account for that.




Might that trigger a cross-linked challenge from Google or other services?

In my experience, Google doesn't really care about this kind of stuff. Not anymore, atleast.

Cross linking is so common nowadays that they'd have to ban millions and millions of sites because of this. I guess they could, in theory, lower your site's position in the rankings, but I don't really see that happening either.

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I have the reseller through whom I am currently buying server hosting looking at Linode as an alternative to the traditional server resources he sells.

I am also looking at moving one of my domains over to explore the adventure of conversion.

It would seem that if I take good notes once I've set up one the rest should be simple.


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