How can I restrict FTP users to specific folders on server?

Hi all,

I have centOS 6 installed on our Linode VPS server.

I have successfully installed FTP and created an FTP user.

However, the FTP user can view all the files on the server.

How can I restrict the FTP user to the files in a directory?

Currently, the user is sent straight to var/www/html (but this FTP user is able to view the other files on the server)

but I have created virtual hosts on the server and this FTP user should actually go to


And not be able to view the other files…

How can I achieve this?

(Here’s how I got to this point: I had added the user by doing: useradd -d /var/www/vhosts/ myftpuser

And then created and added myftpuser to /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list )


2 Replies

Look into the chroot options to control where a user is restricted to after login, and if desired, combine that with per user configuration files (via userconfigdir) to set local_root individually per user.

– David

Thanks @db31

would try it out…

Thanks a lot.


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