bandwidth overage vs. pre-paying

Simple question:

It seems the cost of paying for overages vs. pre-paying is identical - is there any benefit to pre-paying for more bandwidth, then, or am I better off just paying the overages each month?

2 Replies

There has occasionally been differences in the pricing, but it's currently the same; there's no point in pre-paying.

That said, pre-paid bandwidth does make Linode's job (capacity planning) easier, so if you know for certain you'll be using more than a certain amount every month, you can make their lives a little bit easier by pre-paying for the part you're guaranteed to use.

I agree with the above, however, I would also say it depends on the amount. If you overage 100 GB a month, you might be better off upgrading to the next package as you then get extra RAM and disk space on top of the extra bandwidth - for the same price.

On the other hand if it is only a few GB's, you might be better off just paying the overages.

However, else, I agree with the above reply.


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