Qmail + Courrier-IMAP + VPOPMAIL

I'm trying to setup qmail + courier-imap + vpopmail. I can find docs on the setup of vpopmail + qpop3d but nothing on the setup of it with courier-imap.

Any suggestions, docs, links?

3 Replies


I can find docs on the setup of vpopmail + qpop3d but nothing on the setup of it with courier-imap.

Simply because you really don't need anything more than what comes with Courier-Imap. This is one of the few pieces of software where the included documentation is self sufficient

Sunny Dubey



I can find docs on the setup of vpopmail + qpop3d but nothing on the setup of it with courier-imap.

Simply because you really don't need anything more than what comes with Courier-Imap. This is one of the few pieces of software where the included documentation is self sufficient

Sunny Dubey

My point is though that if I'd have it working with the DOCs that are included with courier-imap, I wouldn't be asking this here now wouldn't I? :P


I have qmail + courier-imap and vpopmail, the instructions that I followed were from qmailrocks.org


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