Error setting up postfix: "Requires:"
I'm trying to set-up a mail server on our Linux on a Linode (with CentOS 6.0 installed) and I am following the instructions here:
The server will handle mails for multiple domains (Apache virtual hosts have already been created).
However, when I get to the step in which I issue the command
yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' I get the following error message:
Error: Package: git-1.7.10-1.el5.rf.i386 (rpmforge)
How can I resolve this?
Any helpful suggestions will be appreciated.
4 Replies
but how do you "roll back"..or disable the repository that was enabled in Linux?
For me, I was running Centos 6.2 (cat /etc/redhat-release to find yours) and for some silly reason all my repos were for 5!!
Anyway, a quick bit of code to fix this up is below. It simply replaces el5 for el6 in all the files in that dir. Make sure you run it in /etc/yum.repos.d
for FILE in *; do mv $FILE $FILE.old; sed 's/el5/el6/g' $FILE.old > $FILE; done
Once done you can remove the *.old files if you dont need them as backups.