nothing working webmin, web server, ftp

config is wordpress and w3 total cache on nginx, maxcdn, varnish. upgraded wp install to 334 yesterday and today.

had been using cloudflare, noticed that one of the two domains still on free plan at cloudflare was loading (dns pointing to CF name server) and trace route showed different result than trace route for domain not working (but paused at CF). I changed dns for both back to registrar and A name is to ip at linode.

Even if waiting for domain dns at to repropagate why can't I access webmin or ftp for acct at linode?

1 Reply

I can access both domains on 3g network but not via wi-fi on apple time capsule. I can even access same via macair connected to ethernet connection but not wi-fi. In fact both on 3g wireless and ethernet connected access those IPs are not allowed access, which is as it should be given that i only whitelisted IP of my router (Time capsule). When trying to connect either to sites or webmin the firkin page doesn't even load.

What could have happened for linode login to reject a whitelisted IP address.

At this point the only course I can think of to log into webmin is to connect to internet via ethernet, grab my ip from iso and then log in to liode manager to white list that IP in whitelist manager for users and permissions.

or get a new router?


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