Did anyone upgrade Ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04?

I don't want to be the first.

10 Replies

I was wondering the same… but I did a backup. but I'm going to try to upgrade now. I'm reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin … 0_to_12.04">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuServer#From11.10to_12.04


Upgrade is done and seemed to go smoothly.

Mine went smoothly as well. I did issue

apt-get –purge clean

afterwards to free up some drive space.


I did it on my home fileserver, no issues. It did muck with my DKMS-built modules, but that was easily resolved (redo the one I had set up manually, re-activate the PPA for the new release for the other).

I would like to, but my pc at home uses a usb networking stick to connect to the network (linksys iirc), and they haven't been compatible with linux ever :(

edit: lol, I just realized that on linode's forum the OP probably was asking about my linode instance and not my home pc. No I haven't tried out the latest ubuntu release yet. :P


I would like to, but my pc at home uses a usb networking stick to connect to the network (linksys iirc), and they haven't been compatible with linux ever :(

Hmm, what make/model of adapter? I've got a couple (from Netgear and SMC) that work like easy peas for wifi without any twiddling. Ironically, I have them activated on the ${EDU} network so I can quickly get misc things online(*), but never have I ever found a Windows machine that immediately works with either of them.

(*) It's dangerous to BarCamp alone. Take this.

Linksys AE2500 High Performance Dual-Band N USB Adapter

Well, the upgrade seems to have gone all right for me, but I'm getting a lot of this on the console, over and over again:

init: Failed to create pty - disabling logging for job

Anone know what that might be?

Sounds like the job logging bug mentioned here.

I upgraded with do-release-upgrade, everything seems to be fine till now :)


Mine went smoothly as well. I did issue

apt-get –purge clean

afterwards to free up some drive space.


Good tip, I got a gig back, thanks.


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