1GB Linode going into swap & crashing daily
I am running a django app on Apache with a MySQL db. I bumped my swap image to 2GB and it helped somewhat but it still crashes and requires a reboot at least 2 or 3 times per week.
I know a move to nginX or Cherokee will help, due to Apache being such a memory hog, but in the meantime I am interested in setting up a Nodebalancer to help prevent downtime.
I have a few questions:
Do I need a static IP address to set up a NodeBalancer?
How does a NodeBalancer help if I stick with only one Linode?
If I opt for getting a second linode, do I need to replicate/clone my current linode on the new one also?
See the graph below:
[++++++++++ NodeBalancer +++++++]
[+++ Linode 1 +++] [+++ Linode 2 +++]
- If I was to run on a setup like this, on what linode should my MySQL DB live?
ie: Is it preferable to set up a third Linode, independent of the above setup solely for the MySQL DB & would that need it's own static IP address?
I appreciate any help or advice you can offer!
Kind Regards,
3 Replies
Tune your apps to be more efficient.
Apache is just fine, when it's setup correctly.
There are at least half a zillion forum posts on tuning a LAMP stack, try a few and see if they help before throwing more hardware at the problem.
I take your point on more RAM, not more linodes, but the NodeBalancer + 2 Linodes idea was in preparation for scale.
At some point I will need this kind of setup so I was thinking ahead. Possibly too early to be investing in it, but there you go.
For now, I have tuned MySQL & Apache based on the tips here:
Next up: fine tune our App to plug some memory leaks.