configuring dns to accept emails from outside domains

I've been going through the forum for hours, it seems that everybody has a slightly different problems. Mailservers are hard.

Anyway, quick overview of the problem, hopefully somebody can point me in the right direction.

1) I have installed postfix & dovecot, and thunderbird on my local pc

2) I can send emails to any domain using my mailserver.

3) I can send an email to my domain, using my mailserver, and download it from the mailserver.

4) Outside domains however can not send emails to my domain;

they never arrive.

This looks like a dns issue

domain returns


Ip Address:

When I click the SMTP test, it says

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

This is on Ubuntu 10.04

In the linode DNS manager, there is 1 MX record;

There is also an A record for email: mail

And the Current Reverse DNS is set to

So, which part in the DNS did I miss?

I read something on the internet about a PTR record, but I can't find that anywhere.

Thanks for all your help!

2 Replies


When I click the SMTP test, it says

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

telnet resolves to your IP, but gets dropped

So DNS looks ok - check your firewall rules

Thanks vonskippy!

It had indeed stopped listening on port 25.

The one thing I didn't check :)

Working like a charm now


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