I've installed CentOS 64 bit. Is 64 bit a good idea?

Hi all,

I am new to Linode..and just to installed CentOS 64 bit (because Red Hat is the version of Linux I am vaguely familiar with).

Most times, I can find my way around Sys admin stuff but I can't call myself one.

Before installing other applications and tools, I wanted to find out if installing 64 bit version (instead of the 32 bit version) of the Linux OS was a good idea.

Are there any drawbacks or pitfalls?

… We want to install the LAMP stack on it…

..and we plan is to use our Linode to run a local web hosting service.


3 Replies

64 bit uses more ram so generally you should stick to 32 bit if you want to get the most out of your box.


you should stick to 32 bit if you want to get the most out of your box.
… unless you want to run a program that requires more than 4GB of RAM per process, which is quite uncommon.

Many thanks @hybinet, @obs.

I've re-installed CentOS, but the 32 bit version this time.


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