Squirrelmail folder size plugin, does not work.


I have many mail and I decided to install the squirrelmail folder size plugin from here:


I installed it, enabled it, I can click on folder dimension,

when I click it it redirect me

https://www.myserver.org/webmail/plugin … _sizes.php">https://www.myserver.org/webmail/plugins/foldersizes/foldersizes.php

my CPU goes up to 90% for many seconds, than nothing is outputted.

Have you got an idea on why of this problem?

2 Replies

I tried with a different email account with less emails and it works.

Its very unuseful if the plugn isn't able to work with many emails.

I solved by enlarging the PHP timeout with


in the plugin file.

I think that this plugin should enlarge the timeout period by default.


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