phpbb mysql webserv

I have been trying to setup phpbb will over 3 months with no success. The more I try the dumber i get. It took me 30 on windows to get it up and running. For some reason that part of my brain doesn't work on linux. I can get get phpbb, mysql, and webserv install ok but when it calls for conneting the 3 to work together it just doesn't happen. I am thinking about trying to setup on my linode. Has anybody had success with this?

4 Replies

what sort of problems are you having while trying to set it up? any errors perhaps?

if your having trouble with the sql tables a good way to visually see whats going on is to install phpmyadmin…

after installing the everything then i make a table in mysql then i try to click the the install and it just shows text in the browser.

you need to have the following in httpd.conf for php to work

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Additionally you need to have PHP installed for any of this to work. So if you are using your distro's apache package, then get your distro's php package. Or if you compiled apache by hand, then you need to compile PHP by hand as well.

Sunny Dubey

This was my problem then I never seen this anywhere to do.

you need to have the following in httpd.conf for php to work

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

thanks i will give it another install


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