native ipv6?

are these native ipv6 interfaces?

[root@mail named]# ifconfig eth0:1 inet6 add 2600:xxxx::xxxx:xxxx:fedf:e0d0:1234

[root@mail named]# ifconfig -a

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr FE:31:A1:C3:E0:DA

inet addr:1xx.2xx.1xx.xx Mask:

inet6 addr: 2600:xxxx::xxxx:xxxx:fedf:e0d0/64 Scope:Global

inet6 addr: fe80::xxxx:xxxx:fedf:e0d0/64 Scope:Link

inet6 addr: 2600:xxxx:0:xxxx:xxxx:fedf:e0d0:1234/0 Scope:Global

5 Replies

Yes, those are all various IPv6 addresses. However, the '1234' address you created, while technically valid, is not your address. Don't add it. Nothing prevents you from doing it, but all it will accomplish is leaving you unable to access that address if anyone else ever uses it. If you want additional IPv6 addresses, file a ticket and Linode can grant you a /116 (4096 addresses) or a routed /56 or /64.

Edit: For some reason I read "interfaces" as "addresses". I am tired. In answer to your real question, yes, Linode's IPv6 connectivity is native, as stated on the website. But you still shouldn't steal addresses.

Also, I'd suggest learning to use iproute2 instead of ifconfig. net-tools (ifconfig included) is considered deprecated:



I see alot of web "chatter" about ifconfig & company being depreciated, but nothing definitive.

Just because it hasn't changed in years doesn't mean it won't work.

What's next a replacement for 'ls'?

Who is the authoritative decision maker on stuff like that, and do you have a link to that announcement?

Or is it all up to each distro?

Thanks - your google-fu is strong!


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