Low memory, possibly memory leaks?
released our site
Our plan is: 512 with Ubuntu Oneiric, using nginx (1.0.5) as server and php (5.4.0) with php-fastcgi and mysql 5.5.20, and memcached. php-fastcgi is using PHPFCGICHILDREN=10 and PHPFCGIMAX_REQUESTS=1000
Output from top:
~~![](<URL url=)
Below you should see a munin graph on the memory usage.
~~![](<URL url=)http://i.imgur.com/Lyuj4.png
I'm new to this so what I see is that the operating system "cache" is using more and more memory. I have done some searching and not really found out anything about it. From what I can see is that it's gradually getting larger, which sort of seams like a memory leak somewhere?
The issue might not be a simple fix, but I would appreciate some help in how I could better debug this and try to find what is causing this.~~~~