Deploy a standalone fw (pfSense/Smoothwall) or Iptables/NAT?
Anyone running a standalone type firewall such as those I mentioned by building a local VM and dd the disk? I seem to have issues mounting the disk on my linode (unknown filetype), but I know they are ext3 and specify this.
I moved on to attempting to setup Iptables on a linode to act as a dedicated firewall which can NAT traffic to the LAN behind it. After setting the client linodes to use the gateway of the firewall I cannot ping external IP's. Not sure if there is an issue doing this without 2 NIC interfaces vs virtual interfaces (eth0,eth0:0).
Just trying to see if others are running similar solutions and see whats possible.
2 Replies
So, I guess at this point trying to use something like Smoothwall, pfSense, or IPFire will not accomplish this either running on a Linode. Since I assume it will fall under the same principle when setting up NAT's.
Please correct me if someone is running a similar setup for what I am trying to accomplish here.