How to host my website on my linode
I have linode account.
I have rebuilded linode with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.
I am connected via putty to linode.
How can I host My website on my linode using Lamp?
I have done some steps.
Set the hostname
Install and configure the Apache Web Server
I am following this guide.
Please help.
6 Replies
Let me explain what steps I have already done.
According to this manual
After having linode account,
I have
Deployed a Linux Distribution Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Started My Linode using reboot
As I am on windows xp, I have downloaded PUTTY, Using that connected to my linode
After that Installed Security Updates using given commands in manual
then Set the Hostname to teamnim
After that using
I have made following updations
Set up a LAMP Server on Ubuntu 10.04
Set the Hostname
Install and Configure the Apache Web Server
Configure Name-based Virtual Hosts
Install and Configure the MySQL Database Server
Install and Configure PHP
But when I run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' OR '/etc/init.d/apache2 reload'
I get following message
- Restarting web server apache2
apache2: aprsockaddrinfo_get() failed for teamnim
apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
… waiting apache2: aprsockaddrinfo_get() failed for teamnim
apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
Also if I type any command with sudo
I got this error: sudo: unable to resolve host teamnim
This command gives me error : -bash: /etc/PHP5/apache2/PHP.ini: No such file or directory
Please help
2. Regarding sudo, EVERY command? so "sudo ls" gives you that error as well? Follow this
3. php.ini isn't an executable. You have to open it with something (an editor, like nano) - also, it's case sensitive. So:
nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
Add sudo infront of that if you have no writing permissions.
Are you sure it isn't easier to get someone to admin your Linode? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't seem like someone who has a lot of experience with the CLI. It might be better to get someone to do it for you.
Unless of course it's a playbox, but if it's important websites that have to run it that might be wiser.
Using Putty I connected to linode.
And on that command prompt I logged in.
My root is root@teamnim
If I execute this command
root@teamnim:/# hostname -f
I get
hostname: Name or service not known
If I execute sudo ls
root@teamnim:/# sudo ls
sudo: unable to resolve host teamnim
bin cdrom etc home lost+found mnt proc sbin srv tmp var
boot dev lib media opt root selinux sys usr
Yes you are absolutely right that I am fresher for all these things.
I have website that is developed in PHP-Mysql.
and want to host this website on linode. That's it.
for that I have followed documention. Accordingly made configurations, settings.
Since some things seem messed up, and you have only just started with your Linode, it's probably better to make sure it's done right and use a stackscript.
The Linode stackscripts do the configuration automatically, so you're certain it's set up properly.
Doing this will WIPE everything you have so far, but at least it will 100% work.
Please check here:
After that, the only thing you might need to do is manually change the hostname /Virtual host to reflect your hostname, if you don't have a reverse DNS yet.
If you do have a domain, set up the Reverse DNS first:
After that, I believe the stackscript puts the webroot at /srv/www/
Good luck,
PS. If I were you I'd use Debian 6. The hostname error you had was apperantly a bug limited to Ubuntu.
The workings are pretty much the same command-wise, since Ubuntu is based on Debian.
Using Putty I connected to linode.
And on that command prompt I logged in.
My root is root@teamnim
If I execute this command
root@teamnim:/# hostname -f
It seems your path is / when you log in instead of /root… something strange happend with your installation.
I would install the system again.