Monitor Outgoing Traffic

My outgoing traffic is about 8 times higher than the incoming traffic, first i thought this could be because of intense database querries, but than i question myself: if it is a database querry, shouldn´t the outgoing traffic be the same as the incoming one?

Is there a way to monitor the traffic, i mean, to know where the traffic is going, who is "calling" who and so on?


6 Replies

I'm not sure what you mean about "database queries" in this context, but I doubt you are (or should be) exposing a DB to external users.

Either way, both web/DB-server are usually highly asymmetric in bandwidth consuption. Think about it, your request to this site is what, houndreds of bytes, and the reply is houndreds of thousands?

As for actually tracking down what causes the traffic. Try using something like "netstat" to see what has open connections.

Thanks, i mean database querries is because my site uses it a lot, not the users.

Can i install netstat in my ubuntu server?

> My outgoing traffic is about 8 times higher than the incoming traffic

My outgoing traffic is 19 times higher than the incoming traffic. Hmmm, I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that it is a server…

> if it is a database querry, shouldn´t the outgoing traffic be the same as the incoming one?

Let's try out your theory:


The result:

> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis diam ut nisi vestibulum sed viverra enim suscipit. Vivamus in ipsum eget ligula volutpat vehicula. Quisque feugiat egestas dui eu bibendum. Suspendisse nibh felis, fringilla ac rutrum ac, sagittis at urna. Pellentesque mauris est, varius dignissim ullamcorper quis, tristique placerat libero. Nunc aliquet libero eget arcu dignissim sit amet porta dui viverra. Nulla consequat dictum sem euismod scelerisque. Etiam semper felis sit amet magna tincidunt at interdum justo accumsan. Nunc nec congue ligula. Ut et risus ipsum, vel lobortis tortor. Nam nibh nibh, scelerisque at gravida eget, facilisis sit amet sapien.

Fusce vitae justo massa. Morbi quis leo ante. Proin fermentum pharetra odio, non pulvinar neque viverra a. Sed ut iaculis magna. Donec ultrices neque eget enim scelerisque tempor. Curabitur sit amet tempor dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque non eros ligula, ut consectetur lectus. Nunc ullamcorper semper mauris quis sodales. Quisque et nisl sollicitudin lorem consequat pellentesque vitae sit amet neque. Ut in erat ut eros hendrerit dictum sit amet eu sapien. Nunc interdum viverra molestie. Donec tincidunt tellus et dolor porttitor id vestibulum nisl pretium. Vivamus quis augue turpis, id posuere lorem. Nunc sagittis tincidunt nunc non venenatis.

Curabitur facilisis dignissim pellentesque. Phasellus suscipit molestie porta. Nam neque velit, interdum in hendrerit ac, fermentum et mi. Etiam fermentum, turpis id consequat suscipit, ligula augue mollis libero, a vehicula augue elit a nisl. Proin sed sagittis ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam eu velit aliquet urna gravida pulvinar non nec arcu. Phasellus at urna mi. Nunc id cursus erat. Etiam non lacus eu purus cursus suscipit in at tortor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi nec elit augue

Nope, your theory clearly doesn't work…

> Can i install netstat in my ubuntu server?

Are you sure you're ready for a VPS?

I'm using munin to monitor traffic, cpu/mem usage, and a host of other stats. It's worth the time to pick a monitoring package, and get it setup properly.


My outgoing traffic is about 8 times higher than the incoming traffic, first i thought this could be because of intense database querries, but than i question myself: if it is a database querry, shouldn´t the outgoing traffic be the same as the incoming one?

Is there a way to monitor the traffic, i mean, to know where the traffic is going, who is "calling" who and so on?



Are you sure you're ready for a VPS?
Are you sure you're ready for interaction with other humans?



Are you sure you're ready for a VPS?
Are you sure you're ready for interaction with other humans?

If you must know, the reason I asked the question is that IMO someone who seeks to maintain a VPS should at least be able to use Google to get simple information, such as what netstat is, rather than posting a question that is easily answered using a Google search in a forum.

Perhaps, you can qualify your statement now. If you can't I'll understand.


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