Unexplained IPv6 and DIsk IO activity on idle Linode server.

Hi folks!

I have a Linode Ubuntu server. I have set it up as a website hosting box using this manual, but I have not actually set up any sites yet:

http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-serve … spconfig-2">http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx-ispconfig-2

I am surprised to observe recurrent IPv6 and Disk IO activity on this box that I expected to be idle. Here is a sample screenshot:

https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B84ZLL … YTYwazVFUQ">https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B84ZLLltS_QVMndQMGY3dkJUWW0wWGFXYTYwazVFUQ

Can someone please help me understand this? I have observed the same picture on another Linode server that actually runs a few websites. Is this expected? If so - what is this activity?

Thanks in advance!

3 Replies

That's 140bit/s peak of ipv6 traffic.

It's just normal background v6 autoconfiguration stuff.

The IPv6 traffic are router advertisements and things of the like. Nothing to be worried about.

Also, your disk I/O is often less than 50 blocks per second. That would be normal to me as well. You could see what's using the disk by running something like iotop. But honestly, I think it'd be more effort than it is worth.


Thanks very much for the replies.

Seems like there is no reason to worry.



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