Rewrite URL's Glype (nginx)

Hi all,

I've a Glype proxy and I want to rewrite the URL's. All URLs on the page are automatically converted to:``[url] Example: If I go to /browse on The Pirate Bay on my proxy I want to convert the URL from this: [code][/code]`

To this:

Also if i go to:

Then I want to convert to:

As you can see, the whole part:

Is gone (and the &b=0 what is behind the URL). And it has the same domain structure as The Pirate Bay.

I've tried something like this, in the .htaccess file:
~~[code]~~location /tpb/ { rewrite ^/browse.php?u=(.*)$ /$1? last; break; }<e>[/code]</e>

But it is not working. Somebody has an answer? An other function is also welcome. (Such as fastcgi_split_path_info or something else what is compatible with nginx)

(If you want see a example go to [url][/url] but I'm not sure if they are using Glype)[/url]

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