Frontpage server extensions in Apache.

I have a Linode with the Small Red Hat 9 setup on it.

I was trying to install the Frontpage Server Extensions on it but I have been unsucesfull.

I try in Apache 2 and Apache 1.3.28 and have no results.

Can someone help me? Did I miss something?

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies


I have a Linode with the Small Red Hat 9 setup on it.

I was trying to install the Frontpage Server Extensions on it but I have been unsucesfull.

I try in Apache 2 and Apache 1.3.28 and have no results.

Can someone help me? Did I miss something?

Thanks in advance.

Need more information. I'm no Frontpage expert, but I doubt anyone could troubleshoot it based on this information. Are you getting any error messages? What specifically is not working? What steps did you take to install both? More details!

I have installed the frontpage server extensions after all, some changes have to be made to the httpd.conf in apache and we need to download the frontpage server extensions of

Now I'm trying to install Mono for .NET :) I'm a windows lover but i like the no cost or free software.



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