subdomain question

hey guys how long does it take for an A record entry to propagate through? I added a new host name of 'm' for mobile devices on the DNS manager and an accompanying server block on my nginx conf file about an hour ago and I still can't get through…. that is the right way to add support for a subdomain right?

6 Replies


hey guys how long does it take for an A record entry to propagate through? I added a new host name of 'm' for mobile devices on the DNS manager and an accompanying server block on my nginx conf file about an hour ago and I still can't get through…. that is the right way to add support for a subdomain right?

The name servers update zones every quarter hour. Have you checked to make sure DNS has changed? What's the domain?




hey guys how long does it take for an A record entry to propagate through? I added a new host name of 'm' for mobile devices on the DNS manager and an accompanying server block on my nginx conf file about an hour ago and I still can't get through…. that is the right way to add support for a subdomain right?

The name servers update zones every quarter hour. Have you checked to make sure DNS has changed? What's the domain?

-Tim, it says last updated 00:18:30, which would be just over an hour and a half ago, since its 20:11 right now

dig brings this up for me 86400 IN A

So DNS is setup and the page loads. If it's not loading for you try flushing your DNS cache.


dig brings this up for me 86400 IN A

So DNS is setup and the page loads. If it's not loading for you try flushing your DNS cache.
I just cleared my DNS cache in both chrome and firefox… and it still won't load, however it did load on my mobile device… thats the damn-ist thing. It loads in your browser you say?

It's probably being cached at your ISP's DNS servers you could change your DNS servers to and (Google's DNS) and it should work.


It's probably being cached at your ISP's DNS servers you could change your DNS servers to and (Google's DNS) and it should work.
worked like charm. Thank very much.


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