server questions


I have 2 quick questions about Linode. I am running CentOS 5.7 on my server:

1) I see that my server is running a custom kernel made by Linode. Is there any harm if I run "yum update" and the latest kernel available from CentOS gets installed? Will my server just ignore it and continue to use the Linode custom kernel? Or do I need to exclude kernel updates in my /etc/yum.conf to make sure my server always uses the Linode custom kernel?

2) Is it possible to enable acl's? When I try to use setfacl to set acl's on a file, I get an "Operation not supported" error.



3 Replies

1. This is no problem. If the settings for your Linode in the manager specify one of the Linode-provided kernels, that's what will be used to boot. You can add exclude=kernel kernel-* to /etc/yum.conf if you like; otherwise, the worst is that you will waste some bandwidth downloading kernel updates that will never be used.

2. Dunno, sorry.

Same thing happen with my vps with CentOS Updates

Add 'acl' to your filesystem's mount options and setfacl should work. (You can do this on the fly with mount -o remount,acl /)


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