Eggdrops for IRC

I was wondering,

since there's no mentions of it anywhere I thought I'd ask.. What about running eggdrops on my linode64. How many do you guys figure I could run without the thing letting go? Or is that considered too much of a bandwidth hog and shouldn't be done? Maybe if I upgraded to a linode 96 or 128?

1 Reply


I was wondering,

since there's no mentions of it anywhere I thought I'd ask.. What about running eggdrops on my linode64. How many do you guys figure I could run without the thing letting go?

It all depends on what your desires are.

If you plan on running a bot like #debian's apt (which does an amusing number of things), then you should only run a few, and maybe even just one.

Or if you plan on joining some massive warez channel, then prepare to have you bandwidth eaten up over time.

However if it is your average channel (~100) with an average amount of data (normal discussion), and you don't plan to make your bot do too many things, then you can run a number of bots.

(when I use the term "do too many things", I'm mostly talking about log searching, and database searching.)

Sunny Dubey


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