VPN Tunneling between Linode and Partner Servers


I have a Linode (Ubuntu 10.04) and need to setup a VPN tunnel between a partner's server and our Linode. I have a VPN access form in which the partner has provided VPN gateway information and tunnel properties and asked similar information from us.

Not having done something like this before, and with not getting much help from the partner regarding such a setup, I thought I'd ask the Linode community if they have any pointers on what I need to do?

Our partner has a hardware firewall (Check Point R60).

Any help would be appreciated. I have very basic understanding of VPN and firewalls, so reference links would also be helpful.

Thanks in advance.

5 Replies

Corkscrew will tunnel right through that firewall like a hot knife through warm butter:

http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/openso … r-http/962">http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/opensource/using-corkscrew-to-tunnel-ssh-over-http/962


First major question: what protocol is being used for the VPN? I can name L2TP, PPTP, OpenVPN, IP-within-IP, GRE, and IPsec off of the top of my head, and all of them have completely different approaches.

GRE is a layer 4 protocol like TCP or UDP, PPTP is the VPN implemented on top of it ;)

Yeah, yeah, it's still a way to tunnel traffic between two points. This is what happens when you spend all day working on PHY stuff.

I'd like to point out LogMeIn Hamachi has a BETA version of their VPN software for Linux.


Again, beta.


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