eggdrop is show an telling

Uptime for xxxxxxxxx (Linux 2.4.22-linode10-5um): 8:46pm up 19:32, 1 user, load average: 1.00, 1.00, 0.98

anybody know how to hide this in eggdrop? –> Linux 2.4.22-linode10-5um


7 Replies

That would be rather difficult to pull off (if not impossible).

The location for such information is stored in /proc/version. Such a file cannot to be changed to my knowledge.

If you spend sometime, I suggest your dig through the code of your bot, and simply falsify code that determins the kernel version.

Or maybe you could simply disable that built-in command, and use a script to respond to an !uptime command.

Sunny Dubey


Uptime for xxxxxxxxx (Linux 2.4.22-linode10-5um): 8:46pm up 19:32, 1 user, load average: 1.00, 1.00, 0.98

anybody know how to hide this in eggdrop? –> Linux 2.4.22-linode10-5um


Just curious, what are these eggdrops all about? There seems to be an interest in using Linode for these things, and I don't really know what they are. Several people have posted about them.

I did a search and found that it's some kind of IRC chat robot. Why are they so popular? I don't use IRC myself so I don't understand exactly why so many people would be interested in these things … just curious, that's all. Can someone fill me in?


why so many people would be interested in these things … just curious, that's all. Can someone fill me in?

eggdrops are highly customizable… it's very easy to write scripts for the bot that allow it to do just about anything you want. you can create channel services to monitor your chat room, make games, and link several together creating a bot-net

they're just really fun ;-)



Uptime for xxxxxxxxx (Linux 2.4.22-linode10-5um): 8:46pm up 19:32, 1 user, load average: 1.00, 1.00, 0.98

anybody know how to hide this in eggdrop? –> Linux 2.4.22-linode10-5um


Just curious, what are these eggdrops all about? There seems to be an interest in using Linode for these things, and I don't really know what they are. Several people have posted about them.

I did a search and found that it's some kind of IRC chat robot. Why are they so popular? I don't use IRC myself so I don't understand exactly why so many people would be interested in these things … just curious, that's all. Can someone fill me in? should give you a good idea too.

There is also a bot in the linode channel, if you want to see what they can do.


Yes, sighup is the bot in the linode channel. Though not an eggdrop still a good example of some of the stuff a bot can do. For example you can ask him about the linode forums and he will tell you the five most recent posts and the forum they were in. He can even tell you how many and of what type of linodes are available.

Weather reports, flight status, package tracking, horoscopes, and math calculations are also things he can answer.


Weather reports, flight status, package tracking, horoscopes, and math calculations are also things he can answer.

You really are going to have to write a user guide!!



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