Passenger - only shows directory not homepage
myapp is working fine at I have followed all the installation instructions for passenger and it appears to be set up correctly
In my virtual host I have:
DocumentRoot /srv/www/
ErrorLog /srv/www/
CustomLog /srv/www/ combined
Options -Multiviews
I have deleted the index.html file and in my rails app I have set root to: 'pages#home'. I am using rails 3.2.2 in line with the hartl rails tutorial here:
When I go to, all I see is a list of files in the directory instead of pages#home being served. What could be the problem here? Do I need to do some kind of redirection? Thanks
1 Reply
Should have something like:
//or maybe that's the code to collapse the local galaxy cluster - so use at your own risk, or YMMV, or one of those CYA warnings//