REVERSE DNS what kinda of server can do this ability?

REVERSE DNS what kinda of server can do this ability?

Can I setup a server to do the same thing(reverse dns). What is the source of this ability.


3 Replies

Bind, djbdns, any dns server. But if you mean reverse IP's for your linode IP's, then only the owner of the IP addresses (caker) can.

no, you have the option of setting the reverse domain name in the platform manager, so you can change what ur ip resolves to

That's right… the reverse entry for your linode's IP can be set in your linode control panel, but it can only be set to a hostname that resolves to the same IP as your linode. So you have to have the forward DNS in place first.

Otherwise, the only way to do reverse DNS is to have the relevant IPs or subnets delegated to your DNS server (running bind or whatever) by whoever is currently authoritative for those IPs. And ISPs are usually rather hesitant to do so.


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