using postfix and dovecot on ubuntu 11.10


I followed the linode library article on using postfix and dovecot on ubuntu 10.10, but apparently many things have changed (at least in dovecot) since that time. Now, whenever I try to start dovecot, it doesn't work. (or at least I assume it doesn't, because when I type service dovecot restart, it says):

restart: Unknown instance:

I found from another thread I had posted a while back that ubuntu 11.10 now uses dovecot 2.0, which has many different configuration changes. However, I'm not sure where to begin on fixing my config file (if that's even the problem).

Any help is appreciated.



2 Replies

I don't have any experience with Dovecot 2, but I have been reading about upgrading. I am just waiting for the next LTS version of Ubuntu to come out before I upgrade. I did remember coming across this though.

Hope it helps.

If it's a fresh VPS, i suggest you give iRedMail a try:

iRedMail is a free, open source and full-featured mail server solution, works perfectly on Linode VPS. Ships Postfix and Dovecot. :)


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