CentOS hostname -f returns hostname: Unknown host

Hello, does anybody know why hostname -f returns "hostname: Unknown host" for me?

I just set up a CentOS 6 (32-bit) 512MB linode and followed the CentOS wiki to change my hostname to somehostname. I did it by doing the following:

$hostname somehostname

Also the new hostname permanent by modifying HOSTNAME in /etc/sysconfig/network (HOMENAME=somehostname).

I rebooted the instance even. I now see my correct hostname in the PS1 prompt and if i do just "hostname". However, I couldn't get the full name somehow.

Anybody had a similar issue and know how to resolve it? Thanks!

3 Replies

Did you follow this guide? http://library.linode.com/networking/co … tos-fedora">http://library.linode.com/networking/configuring-static-ip-interfaces#sph_centos-fedora

It will do that if the hostname is not resolvable. Make sure you actually have a DNS record for the hostname.


Did you follow this guide? http://library.linode.com/networking/co … tos-fedora">http://library.linode.com/networking/configuring-static-ip-interfaces#sph_centos-fedora

Yes I did.


It will do that if the hostname is not resolvable. Make sure you actually have a DNS record for the hostname.

I think this may be my problem.

Thanks for the replies!


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