nginx taking too long to serve static content

'm having some issues with my static content taking too long to load and sometimes returning a 404 - ~~[!/dW8cijS7p/" target="_blank">](!/dW8cijS …">!/dW8cijS7p/](

nginx config -

7 Replies

Do you have any iptables rules set up to rate-limit SYN packets? On a page load, I sent a total of 130 SYN packets in 48.9 seconds and only had 66 successful connections. A web page is going to load very slowly when ~50% of the connections are dropped.

Nothing in the iptables rules to rate-limite SYN packets.


Pastebin the output of "iptables -L -n -v" and the contents of /etc/sysctl.conf and anything in /etc/sysctl.d…

Also, did you change IPs overnight? Things were on a different IP address when I did the packet captures last night, that's for sure…

I took some of the sites off the node balancer and saw a huge performance increase for the static content. I'm wondering if the node balancer is causing the issue. is being served through the node balancer and continues to have these issues but the other site above is being served directly and doesn't have the issues.

Hmmm… you didn't mention NodeBalancer initially. That would be a significant variable there…

Are all of your backend nodes performing properly if you connect to them directly? Are you set for passive or active health checks?

Turns out it was the Client Connection Throttle for the Node Balancer.

Ah! Good to know that the setting works very well :-) -rt


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