Is someone trying to run phpadmin scripts on my server

Here is what I get from my /var/log/messages my IP is

but,if you look. I see a different IP address in there. Also my server doesn't even have phpadmin installed.

5 12:39:37 Micro drupal:|1330969177|page not found|| … /setup.php">||0||phpMyAdmin-2.6.3/scripts/setup.php

3 Replies

Seems like a fairly common type of attack. It gives a 404-error which is fine. I wouldn't worry too much about it:


Honeypot alert

Edit: It's also known as an offensive IP:


Project honeypot

> Is someone trying to run phpadmin scripts on my server

> my server doesn't even have phpadmin installed

So what's the problem?

I believe you mean phpMyAdmin, not phpadmin.


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